This pup was frighted by the sounds the fireworks so she was hiding on someone porch in South LA. The owners was hosing this dirty pup off her porch until a good samaritan grabbed her and brought her to me. Best Happy Ending!
We must change the universal acceptance that killing is the only solution to pet overpopulation.
Our mission is to end the suffering of innocent dogs and cats by reducing the number of unwanted births which will reduce our high kill euthanasia rate
Every month if we spay and neuter 100 cats and dogs that means 1,000 puppies and kittens will not be born that month. And those puppies and kittens will not have 10,00 puppies and kittens next year, and so on.
S/N is the answer to all our unwanted stray on the streets, our overpopulation, overcrowded shelters and our over euthanizing problem. It is the answer for all the people who line up outside the shelters every single day to dump off their unwanted pets ,or the careless people who dump their pets on the streets.
We need to spread the word and tell everyone to STOP having puppies and kittens at home.
STOP making money of these innocent animals. It's all about GREED.
Spay & Neuter is The ANSWER. Don't buy while animals die. Adopt a shelter pet.
Laws can't change the heart
but they can restrain the heartless.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
but they can restrain the heartless.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
We are not just rescuing animals. The Dog Rescuers are helping to change laws.
We won last night! Pasadena CA now has a mandatory Spay and Neuter law.
This is how we save lives! This is how we take a stand to help end the suffering of innocent animals.
We won last night! Pasadena CA now has a mandatory Spay and Neuter law.
This is how we save lives! This is how we take a stand to help end the suffering of innocent animals.
We have exciting news!
One of our adopted Daddy's, Adam Huss
is on the new Starz Network show "Power"
We LOVE you Adam and baby Sawyer.
We are your #1 fan.
We love you for so many reasons, for opening your heart and your home to rescue a little puppy that was minutes away...on the euthanasia list - at one of our high kill shelters, for being such a Great loving and compassionate Papa & friend, and now we are so excited and proud of you. Congratulations! We know you are playing the role of a tough guy - New Yorker, Josh Kantos. But we know you are also an old softy with a big heart for an adorable black, wet nose little puppy who desperately needed a safe place to call home. You knew Sawyer was a life worth saving. I think touch guy Josh Kantos could use a side kick named Sawyer to come home to after a hard day on the streets of NY.
This pit bull was found hogtied and left to die
Animal Abusers Should be Prosecuted Fully
The animal left for dead in a field near Lamont, CA. The person who left the animal, James Worley, has been arrested and is waiting prosecuted. We are asking the District Attorney's office to prosecute this case to the full extent of the law. Please help get the message out that Kern County should not tolerate animal abusers. The perpetrators of these crimes need to be prosecuted fully. We must ensure that these crimes are taken seriously by our DA's office.
The animal left for dead in a field near Lamont, CA. The person who left the animal, James Worley, has been arrested and is waiting prosecuted. We are asking the District Attorney's office to prosecute this case to the full extent of the law. Please help get the message out that Kern County should not tolerate animal abusers. The perpetrators of these crimes need to be prosecuted fully. We must ensure that these crimes are taken seriously by our DA's office.
Quarantine Area

This tiny tiny Chihuahua puppy was labeled "Vicious". He was in quarantine, where the public could not see him or visit him or adopt him. Locked up with all the big dogs with no bed or blanket, just on a wet cement floor. Sadly this happens to a lot of our misunderstood discarded dogs.
The first day at Veronica's house, "He just slept straight through it, because he was exhausted from being so terrified for so long. Fighting for his life. Finally a quiet and safe place to shut his eyes. Next day out and about playing in the yard with my 2 dogs. This little baby did not stand a chance of ever getting adopted because a county worker at the shelter decided to label him - Vicious. He was not a vicious. He was a tiny sacred little puppy. Look for yourself. This was a baby. The grass and weeds are taller than him. I think the county worker was a "vicious bully".
"Thank you to everyone who helped get me out of that scary place. Thank you for caring enough to do something about it. I am safe now. I am running and playing in the tall grass, in the sun. Happy like a little puppy should be. May God bless all of you that helped in my rescue".
The first day at Veronica's house, "He just slept straight through it, because he was exhausted from being so terrified for so long. Fighting for his life. Finally a quiet and safe place to shut his eyes. Next day out and about playing in the yard with my 2 dogs. This little baby did not stand a chance of ever getting adopted because a county worker at the shelter decided to label him - Vicious. He was not a vicious. He was a tiny sacred little puppy. Look for yourself. This was a baby. The grass and weeds are taller than him. I think the county worker was a "vicious bully".
"Thank you to everyone who helped get me out of that scary place. Thank you for caring enough to do something about it. I am safe now. I am running and playing in the tall grass, in the sun. Happy like a little puppy should be. May God bless all of you that helped in my rescue".

Not even a blanket for
Momma and her babies
Sadly, often Momma's like this one are dumped off at the shelter to have their babies on these cold, damp, hard, cement floors without a blanket to keep her babies warm. Often puppies likes these do not even survive from the puppy killer disease Parvo that runs throughout these shelters. You will be happy to know we got this sweet Momma and all her babies out of that shelter. They spent a few nights at my home, with a warm bed and plenty of food. Then we sent them up to Oregon to find their loving forever families.
* This is a perfect example of the importance of taking responsibility of spaying / neutering our family pets.*
Momma and her babies
Sadly, often Momma's like this one are dumped off at the shelter to have their babies on these cold, damp, hard, cement floors without a blanket to keep her babies warm. Often puppies likes these do not even survive from the puppy killer disease Parvo that runs throughout these shelters. You will be happy to know we got this sweet Momma and all her babies out of that shelter. They spent a few nights at my home, with a warm bed and plenty of food. Then we sent them up to Oregon to find their loving forever families.
* This is a perfect example of the importance of taking responsibility of spaying / neutering our family pets.*

2 Day Old Orphans
We received a phone call there were 2 day old puppies just got dumped off at the shelter. They were going to need special care. Feedings every 2 hours. "Are you up for it?" Of course, I jumped right in.

Then we found a Momma that just gave birth to her own set of puppies. "I introduced Momma to the orphan puppies. Momma sniffed them and pulled them near. She was a perfect generous Momma. All the babies and Momma since then have been adopted by loving wonderful families".
Our Cats get a chance at life

Wire Wrapped Around her Mussle
We see many dogs like this one come into the shelter all the time. We are not able to rescue them just yet. They must stay there because they are evidence to a court case. Abused, neglected, terrified, wounds that look to be of a wire wrapped around her mussle for quite some time. After all that she must now sit and wait at this scary shelter until the court case is reviewed. Often we see these abused dogs are still amazingly so kind and loving to us humans - still starving for our affections. Even after all that.
We see many dogs like this one come into the shelter all the time. We are not able to rescue them just yet. They must stay there because they are evidence to a court case. Abused, neglected, terrified, wounds that look to be of a wire wrapped around her mussle for quite some time. After all that she must now sit and wait at this scary shelter until the court case is reviewed. Often we see these abused dogs are still amazingly so kind and loving to us humans - still starving for our affections. Even after all that.

This sweet little guy was dumped off at the Lancaster county shelter. He would not stand a chance of ever getting out of there. So we called Liesle at Luv A Bull Pit Bull Rescue & Sanctuary, asked if she would like to help this baby. Of course Leisle said "Yes". So we loaded him up in our van ride up to Oregon. That transport, we saved 71 lives. Including this little beauitful boy.
This sweet little guy was dumped off at the Lancaster county shelter. He would not stand a chance of ever getting out of there. So we called Liesle at Luv A Bull Pit Bull Rescue & Sanctuary, asked if she would like to help this baby. Of course Leisle said "Yes". So we loaded him up in our van ride up to Oregon. That transport, we saved 71 lives. Including this little beauitful boy.

Thank you, to all the wonderful volunteers and county workers that pitched in to make this huge Rescue Mission a Great Success!
A few months later this sweet baby was adopted to this wonderful family up in Oregon. It's happy endings like this, that keep us going. Have a great life Baby! Just look at him go!

Scheduled to be killed and no one called their owner?
So we did!
When we temperament test dogs for an upcoming transport we must look at about 80 dogs to find 40 that can go with us up to Oregon. Some get adopted, some are sick, some have holds and sadly most likely those people never come to adopt them and they loose their chance to come with us. That day, as we were testing, which I have to tell you is so bitter sweet. Yes, we are saving lives and giving them a chance and on the other hand, we have to pick and choose who goes - who does not. We have to look at every cage. Every single dog. With their eyes looking at you as if to say, "What did I do so wrong to be put in here. Please help me. Please get me out of here." It is heart retching for me. It is my living Hell. Not just the aggressive dogs are put down - No, it is the sweet, adorable, playful healthy dogs too. There is just no room.
During our testing we came across these 2 adorable fluffies. We loved them. They tested well and we were signing them up when we noticed their ID tags. Often when dogs are dumped off by their owner they will still have their tags on. So for the hell of it, we called. When we told them,"do you know your dogs are at the county shelter?" They began to cry. They have been looking for their dogs for 2 days. They were so grateful we called they were going to come right over. It amazes me that the county worker that checked these dogs in didn't care enough to notice these tags. These dogs could have been scheduled to be killed or adopted out. This is a great example of the importance of chipping your dog. Also these dogs were not Spayed or Neutered. So they got out and you do not have control over what happens. We must S/N all dogs and cats! When the owner arrived we told her the importance of Spaying and Neutering. She told us she was Catholic and they do not believe in birth control. Absolutely stunned at this comment, I said my God says, "Thou shall not kill". He didn't say, Thou shall not have minor surgery. Would you rather have all their puppies and their puppies puppies killed because that is what is going to happen. I see this every day at the shelter - barrels of unwanted frozen dogs and cats because people let their pets get pregnant. Now they are dumped at the shelter - too many to adopted out, All because they were not spayed and neutered now they will have to be killed. Did you know today this shelter will kill 50 animals today, and every day. All this killing can be prevented if people would spay and neuter. So when their dogs get out of their yard, unwanted pregnancy and unwanted litters do not have to killed at the shelter"
The only way these dogs could be released back to the owner is by having them spayed and neutered. It is the law. Thank God!
So we did!
When we temperament test dogs for an upcoming transport we must look at about 80 dogs to find 40 that can go with us up to Oregon. Some get adopted, some are sick, some have holds and sadly most likely those people never come to adopt them and they loose their chance to come with us. That day, as we were testing, which I have to tell you is so bitter sweet. Yes, we are saving lives and giving them a chance and on the other hand, we have to pick and choose who goes - who does not. We have to look at every cage. Every single dog. With their eyes looking at you as if to say, "What did I do so wrong to be put in here. Please help me. Please get me out of here." It is heart retching for me. It is my living Hell. Not just the aggressive dogs are put down - No, it is the sweet, adorable, playful healthy dogs too. There is just no room.
During our testing we came across these 2 adorable fluffies. We loved them. They tested well and we were signing them up when we noticed their ID tags. Often when dogs are dumped off by their owner they will still have their tags on. So for the hell of it, we called. When we told them,"do you know your dogs are at the county shelter?" They began to cry. They have been looking for their dogs for 2 days. They were so grateful we called they were going to come right over. It amazes me that the county worker that checked these dogs in didn't care enough to notice these tags. These dogs could have been scheduled to be killed or adopted out. This is a great example of the importance of chipping your dog. Also these dogs were not Spayed or Neutered. So they got out and you do not have control over what happens. We must S/N all dogs and cats! When the owner arrived we told her the importance of Spaying and Neutering. She told us she was Catholic and they do not believe in birth control. Absolutely stunned at this comment, I said my God says, "Thou shall not kill". He didn't say, Thou shall not have minor surgery. Would you rather have all their puppies and their puppies puppies killed because that is what is going to happen. I see this every day at the shelter - barrels of unwanted frozen dogs and cats because people let their pets get pregnant. Now they are dumped at the shelter - too many to adopted out, All because they were not spayed and neutered now they will have to be killed. Did you know today this shelter will kill 50 animals today, and every day. All this killing can be prevented if people would spay and neuter. So when their dogs get out of their yard, unwanted pregnancy and unwanted litters do not have to killed at the shelter"
The only way these dogs could be released back to the owner is by having them spayed and neutered. It is the law. Thank God!